Pregnant women may discover that hair is cropping up more abundantly than normal, both in the typical, and not so typical areas (due to hormonal changes). Some of the atypical hair growth areas may be challenging to shave. Because of this, laser hair removal and pregnancy may appear to be a good idea, but first make sure to discuss it with your OBGYN / healthcare provider.
Although the laser used during laser treatment and pregnancy will not penetrate the skin beyond a shallow depth, at this writing no studies have been done to ascertain the safety of laser hair removal during pregnancy — and many obstetricians are advising against doing so (to be on the safe side). However, there are other physicians who believe that laser hair removal is safe during pregnancy. It is advisable to seek trusted medical council for your particular case. Even if you decide against
Laser hair removal during your pregnancy
There are other hair removal options considered pregnancy-safe, such as waxing or electrolysis, that you may want to consider. If you have electrolysis while pregnant, your breast/nipple area needs to be avoided during the last trimester (if you’re planning on breast feeding, this is especially important).
Also, your abdomen will be especially sensitive during your last few weeks of pregnancy, so should be avoided to minimize your discomfort. If you choose to have waxing, extra skin sensitivity will likely also be a concern. It is usually Recommended that you apply a soothing antiseptic lotion prior (and after) your treatments. Your hair removal technician should be able to suggest the most effective lotions/ointments.
You may want to just wait until after the birth of your baby. Afterwards, your hormones will likely go back to normal, after which the problem hair should simply fall out.
Laser vs Electrolysis Hair Removal – Which is Better?
Electrolysis vs laser hair removal is a very common debate amongst those who want to get rid of unwanted hair. Electrolysis is a procedure in which a needle is penetrated in your skin to the hair follicle while with laser only light would be penetrating your skin. Electrolysis is quite a painful method since the needle penetrates the skin, but Is Laser Hair Removal Painful only to those with very sensitive skins. The amount that you would need to pay differs with certain factors in both cases.
Electrolysis may cost a little less compared to laser hair removal but electrolysis is a very lengthy procedure and would require more number of sessions so, at the end of the treatment, you would be paying more for electrolysis than for laser treatment. Electrolysis has been in existence for a very long time and yet at times it does not offer permanent hair reduction. On the other hand laser hair removal is comparatively a new procedure but many people have experienced permanent hair reduction. The time needed to complete the entire process for electrolysis is much more compared to laser hair removal.
Electrolysis can be quite tedious and lengthy. After electrolysis is performed you need to take special care of your skin, which if not done can damage your skin. With laser hair removal the chances of side effects is quite less; you may face a little reddening and swelling of skin but that remains for a very short time. Your query to electrolysis vs laser hair removal must have become quite clear by now. No matter which procedure you opt for, you should get yourself treated by a reputed professional to reduce the risk of any problems.
Now you can not only yourself decide which the better procedure is, you can also answer others with the same query of electrolysis vs laser hair removal and Pregnancy. Bookmark this site!